Motto. Exercise and development should be fun. I believe that “Purposeful guidance will result in greater experiences, unforgettable knowledge and worthwhile progression!”
Vision. My dream is to develop independent and informed players and coaches who have the confidence and knowledge to become their own qualified trainers.
Mission. My passion is to support ambitious coaches and players through sharing valuable tips and teaching the skills players need to master to reach the next level of
their performance.
Goal. To provide players and coaches with deep insights into defensive skills and techniques that help them to adopt
different ways of thinking, a professional approach to skill development, and the ability to play more strategically.
Methodology. While the approaches and techniques I share
have been inspired by a number of sources, one in particular
has played a significant role: LEAN’s Build-Measure-Learn Loop.
I focus primarily on the following keywords to solve problems and ensure your development progresses in the right
Error: Discover myths, correct mistakes and improve deficiencies.
Waste: Avoid adopting unnecessary or redundant information that will dilute or reduce the quality of the lesson.
Competence: Include relevant and accessible expertise from other sports and disciplines to improve the quality of the material.
Training. My training philosophy is based on a learning approach that involves six essential training methods:
Mental training
Technique training
Imitation training
Minor skills training
Major skills training
Match practice
An important aspect of the practice is to encourage mental engagement in efforts to develop the player’s tactical skills (choice of solution and choice of technique) and technical skills (working conditions and execution). I also spend a lot of time identifying and addressing a team’s defence problems; for example, the issues they frequently encounter when performing set pieces.
Training. My training philosophy is based on a learning approach that involves six essential training methods:
Mental training
Technique training
Imitation training
Minor skills training
Major skills training
Match practice
An important aspect of the practice is to encourage mental engagement in efforts to develop the player’s tactical skills (choice of solution and choice of technique) and technical skills (working conditions and execution). I also spend a lot of time identifying and addressing a team’s defence problems; for example, the issues they frequently encounter when performing set pieces.
My coaching philosophy is a result of a long learning process both as a football player, football coach, table tennis player and 25 years self-study (different sports and disciplines).