Friendship across Cultures Vol. 1 | Page 23

live your dream &

share your passion

Curabitur mattis vel enim non elementum Aliquam sed tellus luctus venenatis nisi et interdum nis viverra

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing

It all began with a letter exchange and suddenly we started building a friendship. We are two students from Portugal and Morocco and although we may have different religions what unites us is bigger than anything else.

With this project we learned a little more about each place, both Portugal and Morocco, we got to know the different religions and traditions, and made friends through card exchanges.

After the letter exchange we can recognise the differences between Islam and Catholic beliefs, rituals and traditions; we found out that our food is different and also the way we dress.

Today we can communicate easily, because with the internet we can talk to people from all over the world and so, after the first exchange, we immediately tried to find a way to communicate using a social network.

In our opinion this project was very good, because it helped us to practise the English language and we increased our knowledge about each other’s cultures.

Above all, it helped us to understand that despite having a different nationality, religion or culture, we have to respect each other. Today, in a global society, it is essential to accept, understand and respect different cultures.

Friendship Across Cultures

Matilde Marques | Saliha Makhamar
