Friendship across Cultures Vol. 1 | Page 15

Language is one of the most important tools of heritage preservation. It is the way oral traditions are transmitted. According to the United Nations, half of the 6,000 languages spoken by the world will disappear by the end of the century. Language learning will preserve the language and associated traditions.

Although we speak English to communicate with each other, we love to learn words in the other’s mother tongue, and this translates our love to spread our cultures, and languages as well as our customs.

The importance of

learning languages

The lack of understanding between people is the biggest cause of cultural stereotyping. Learning another language makes people more aware and open to other cultures, knowing why such differences exist, thus respecting cultures, increasing solidarity, tolerance and understanding.

There are many terms that can not be translated; they have meaning only in their mother tongue, but when a person has knowledge of the two languages of origin, the translation, they can choose the words in order to reach the desired meaning.

They can transfer people to any country they want, but it is impossible to know the culture of the people and to integrate it without knowing their language. By learning the language of the host country, you can talk to people on the street and ask questions such as directions.

Language learning is a great way to keep your mind healthy, and research shows that people who speak fluently are better at language processing and other analytical tasks. Language switching makes the problem-solving part and filtering the information work more efficiently, Neurological diseases, such as dementia, and Alzheimer's.

Maecenas porta odio vitae magna pretium volutpat. In at quam ac massa posuere sitami maximus lacinia at augue. Proin orci nunc, ela venenatis at vestibulum vitae, posuere kila am blandi.Aliquam erat volutpat sitrum ella inatri

Maecenas et eros ac lacus vehicula pretiumila. Etiam non nisi vel orci eleifend viverra carni Phasellus tempor porttitor purus convallis tu bibendum. Integer vitae hendrerit massa.

Preserving the least known languages accumsan quis, aliquet a purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam euismod a tellus tempor sodales. Aliquam condimentum rhoncus tincidunt. Sed vestibulum magna eu aliquam iaculis. Nunc facilisis pulvinar massa sit amet vestibulum. Ut ligula ex, iaculis nec quam vitae, tincidunt feugiat ipsum.

Maecenas porta odio vitae magna pretium volutpat. In at quam ac massa posuere sitami maximus lacinia at augue. Proin orci nunc, ela venenatis at vestibulum vitae, posuere kila am blandi.Aliquam erat volutpat sitrum ella inatri

Maecenas et eros ac lacus vehicula pretiumila. Etiam non nisi vel orci eleifend viverra carni Phasellus tempor porttitor purus convallis tu bibendum. Integer vitae hendrerit massa.

Form bridges between cultural gaps

Maecenas porta odio vitae magna pretium volutpat. In at quam ac massa posuere sitami maximus lacinia at augue. Proin orci nunc, ela venenatis at vestibulum vitae, posuere kila am blandi.Aliquam erat volutpat sitrum ella inatri

Maecenas et eros ac lacus vehicula pretiumila. Etiam non nisi vel orci eleifend viverra carni Phasellus tempor porttitor purus convallis tu bibendum. Integer vitae hendrerit massa.

Ability to translate languages accumsan quis, aliquet a purus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam euismod a tellus tempor sodales. Aliquam condimentum rhoncus tincidunt. Sed vestibulum magna eu aliquam iaculis. Nunc facilisis pulvinar massa sit amet vestibulum. Ut ligula ex, iaculis nec quam vitae, tincidunt feugiat ipsum.

Maecenas porta odio vitae magna pretium volutpat. In at quam ac massa posuere sitami maximus lacinia at augue. Proin orci nunc, ela venenatis at vestibulum vitae, posuere kila am blandi.Aliquam erat volutpat sitrum ella inatri

Maecenas et eros ac lacus vehicula pretiumila. Etiam non nisi vel orci eleifend viverra carni Phasellus tempor porttitor purus convallis tu bibendum. Integer vitae hendrerit massa.

Passport to another world

Maecenas porta odio vitae magna pretium volutpat. In at quam ac massa posuere sitami maximus lacinia at augue. Proin orci nunc, ela venenatis at vestibulum vitae, posuere kila am blandi.Aliquam erat volutpat sitrum ella inatri

Maecenas et eros ac lacus vehicula pretiumila. Etiam non nisi vel orci eleifend viverra carni Phasellus tempor porttitor purus convallis tu bibendum. Integer vitae hendrerit massa.

Increase brain power

Maecenas porta odio vitae magna pretium volutpat. In at quam ac massa posuere sitami maximus lacinia at augue. Proin orci nunc, ela venenatis at vestibulum vitae, posuere kila am blandi.Aliquam erat volutpat sitrum ella inatri

Maecenas et eros ac lacus vehicula pretiumila. Etiam non nisi vel orci eleifend viverra carni Phasellus tempor porttitor purus convallis tu bibendum. Integer vitae hendrerit massa.