Friendship across Cultures Vol. 1 | Page 11

Rita Bonifácio | AYNoob


This journey began with the sending of a letter from both sides. The nervousness and anxiety was growing during the project and now we were proposed to write a text about this experience between cultures and the enthusiasm was real and overwhelming. The starting point (the letters) helped us a lot to get to know our partner, where he/she lives, his/her beliefs, the traditions, to know another nation and to embrace this thing that we call life. We learned to give value to the human being and even when there are divergences, these will only join us more as a united world. People are closer to each other due to the phenomenon of globalization, and multiculturalism grows as a consequence, which is a very positive point in today’s society. It’s crazy to think that we are far away but we can speak English!!!

It was super cool to “meet” and understand that even having different cultures we can have a solid friendship (#friendshipgoals), this was one of the things that we learnt from the whole project. In our opinion, friendship across cultures requires that both sides have the necessary respect, understanding and solidarity so it truly works; it needs work from each person. The main advantage of this project was definitely multiculturalism: we learned about different cultures, ethnicities, ways of thinking and living, breaking the stereotype that exists in closed societies.

We learned a lot of new information from other places in the world, and this is just awesome!!!

One of the things that attracted us the most was the fact that we could speak English. We personally love the language and we were able to improve our proficiency in a very original way.

In terms of communication problems there weren’t really any major issues. We dealt with the situations in the best way possible even when there were problems answering some messages.

In conclusion, diversity is essential to grow and the influence of other countries in our life is also very important. Without friendship and love in the world, there would be no peace and consequently this wonderful experience that we lived wouldn’t have been possible.

We are very grateful to have had this opportunity. Thank you.

Friendship Across Culture