Freshmen magazine 1 | Page 7

I plot the points to make S, T, I and transformed them to make S, T, D. I added the D because not a lot of people know STDs as STIs and I want to inform others on this topic. I decide to make STIs transform to STD because and STI is the first step to getting an STD when left untreated. I felt that if I used the acronyms it would work better than typing out Sexually Transmitted Infection and Sexually transmitted Diseases.

I used the points that I plotted for the first image and then I transformed that point to give me the reflective letter. To make the S and the T move I plotted the opposite to make it move. I subtracted or added the two points of the first letter and the second letter. I divided the number between the two points by 5 because its how long it takes to make the new shape

pg #5