[email protected]
As Welfare Convenor I liaise with the
various University clubs and with the Gym to
offer welfare support to all members of
GUSA – by Welfare, we mean your
emotional and psychological wellbeing.
GUSA Welfare runs several projects which
are aimed at improving access to sport so, if
you're feeling intimidated by all of us hard-
bodied chissled-jawed Alpha types, I feel its my job to tell you that the
bar is lower than you think – I promise you, anything you are
thinking……. it is likely still lower. On a serious note, myths and
fantasies about sport and the gym are often the most common barrier
to getting involved. GUSA Welfare is very aware that Uni is not always
easy - some people can make joining in, fitting in, look as if it is a
simple matter of showing up. But, for others, for many reasons from
fitness to body confidence, to issues of sexuality, race and culture -
getting involved can seem more daunting or risky. Therefore, as
Welfare Convenor, during the coming year I plan several initiatives to
extend access for all and make sure those of you already involved in
GUSA are supported and supportive to others.
If you have any questions or concerns you can always email me at
[email protected]