[email protected]
As Publicity Convenor, my job is to make
sure that everyone knows what’s going on
within GUSA and the individual clubs. I
need to keep the social media up to date
and help publicise events, campaigns and
projects that the other convenors are
working on. The best part of the role in my
opinion is getting to work with the clubs,
whether it be with a snapchat takeover or
writing a post about a club/athletes successes. So, if you’re part of a
club and have something you want everyone to know about fire an
email my way!
Becoming part of GUSA has made such a huge difference to my time at
university. Being part of the hockey club is amazing and has made me
friends for life; becoming a freshers’ helper last year gave me the
opportunity to meet so many different people; joining the GUSA Events
team showed me how much goes on behind the scenes with GUSA and
led me to run for a position on council. I can’t recommend getting stuck
into sport here at Glasgow highly enough! Go to as many taster
sessions as you can and you’re bound to find the right sport for you.
Make sure and stay in the loop by following our social media accounts
on Facebook (@GUSA1881), Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter