Fresh Start October 2016 | Page 5

How to Get From God 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and will heal their land. Sometimes in life we go through things, not because it’s God’s design for us to struggle in life, but because God has a way of humbling us. We think what is accepted by society should be accepted by God, but God still deals in what’s right and what’s wrong. In 2 Chronicles 14, He gives us a guide on how to get from God. He says if we humble ourselves. This means we shouldn’t come to God with the attitude that God owes us something. Yes, God sees the best in us. But, the best in you is still of no value. The Bible says we are all like filthy, dirty rags. First, we have to humble ourselves, then we have to pray and seek God’s face. We think that just because we want something, God automatically knows. His Word says, seek first the kingdom and then your needs will be met. You have to pray to God to get what you’re looking for. Turn from your wicked ways. Some things God can’t give us, because He can’t trust us with it. Then, God will hear from heaven and heal the land. Once we humble ourselves, seek His face, turn from wickedness, God will answer our prayers. He will hear us. So, no matter what you may be dealing with today, know that if we are able to do these things, then we are able to get from God what He has in store for us. DAILY LOVE FROM HIM ABOVE Rev. Otis Petteway October Edition 5