It Is Important for Fellowship
Look again at what the Bible says , “ Some have gotten out of the habit . We should not do that . We should keep on encouraging each other .” The church is an encouraging place . We all need encouragement . Life is hard . Life is difficult . We all run into various kinds of challenges ; health problems , financial issues , conflict within our families . We have an opportunity to encourage one another and that is part of what church is about . Sunday service is where fellowship begins . Being in classes , groups and serving is where you get to know people on a deeper level . But it starts on Sunday ; the launching point to fellowship and community is in church services . Every Sunday that you come , there are going to be people who are looking for you , wondering if you ’ re there . People will miss you . And the longer and more consistently you come , the more you will be missed . Because the more that you are in church , the more you are involved , the more people miss you and notice that you ’ re not around . It is a marvelous thing to be a part of a local church it is like having a much larger family .
It Is Essential for Growth
It is absolutely essential for spiritual growth to regularly attend church . I have this phrase , “ The service you miss is the service you need .” Each service is tailored and designed to maximize your Sunday worship so that you can leave with the best possible spiritual experience . You can praise and worship God and you can learn things that you didn ’ t know before . You will be challenged . You ’ re going to be motivated . Church is where you will be inspired to go higher than you ’ ve gone , to live a life that is godlier and greater than you ’ ve been living , to sync your life up with Jesus and His purpose and plan for your life . You will come to understand why you ’ re here on this earth : to serve , to give and to love . Don ’ t come occasionally to church . Don ’ t just come when you feel like it . Make regular church attendance a priority and let it be a good habit that becomes a part of who you are . Nothing does more for your spiritual health than regularly being in church . Being in a church service is irreplaceable . It is a moment in time and once it ’ s gone , it ’ s gone forever . There will always be competition for your time and other things that you could do on a Sunday . But these are really good reasons you should regularly attend church .
October Edition