Lenora Lockett
Partner of The Month
Can you tell us about yourself : Where do you want to start ? I am a 74 year old woman with 4 children and 12 grand children . I am the daughter of a Pastor . I have been in church as far back as I can remember . I grew up with 5 sisters and we all had things that he trained us to do and i am really happy about that now . But when I was doing it I wasn ’ t to happy to do that . When you see other people doing it and him doing it , you have to take your example from them . So a lot of times when you start off in church you fake it . I faked it a lot of times but when I really got to know Christ I became sincere in how I served .
What would be your favorite Bible verses ? Psalm 23 and Ephesians 3:20
October is our month of Commitment , how would you describe your commitment to this ministry ? Well , I ’ m still learning . I was brought up to be committed , being a pastor ’ s daughter you had to be committed , I ’ ve learned more commitment since I ’ ve been here because it is so much to do here , I enjoy doing it , and if I am going to do it I am going to be committed to doing it . That ’ s just the way that I was brought up .
Lenora Lockett
So how has being committed to the Genesis Church changed your life ? Oh gosh , in so many ways ! I mean my prayer life is better , I ’ m able to communicate better I with my grandchildren and my children I ’ m able to do that better . Has changed my view on so many things . When I go to the beauty shop and there are so many people there that I just wanted the Lord to hit on the head and just pound Jesus into them but I am learning how to talk to people better . How to not say a word some times and just let your presence speak for you . I ’ m still learning a lot of stuff . The teaching is really amazing I love the teaching at this church .
So you are saying that at 74 you are still learning commitment : Oh yes ! Because I feel like you always have the opportunity to learn if you open yourself up to learning , I feel there is always more to learn and you can ’ t ever stop learning . When I hear pastor Williams teach I ’ m thinking WOW why haven ’ t I heard that before or he brings back stuff up that I have heard before but it has been a long time . It refreshes my memory .
If you could give some advice to someone considering joining this ministry what would it be : I would say it is a great ministry for teaching , for learning , for participation , for commitment , for what ever you need it is a great ministry for that . I would also say be able to take discipline in any ministry you go to , you have to be able to take discipline . Pastor Williams , when he disciplines , he does it in love and it ’ s for our benefit . So I would tell them to get all the teaching that they can . Don ’ t just sit after you learn the process . When you come from another ministry you have to sit a minute to learn how they do it here . You can ’ t do it your way you have to learn how they do it here and be willing to work where you are called to work .
Leave us with a word of encouragement from one Genesis partner to another : I would say Pray , be willing to learn , and do something . Have an open heart to learn the Word of God !
20 October Edition