In the Hand of the Potter
Jeremiah 18:4
And when the vessel that he made of the clay was marred in the hand of the potter, he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
We understand that we are made of clay and that we are human, but we have assurance of all things because we
are in the potter’s hand. Even messed up, broken and useless clay can be made into a vessel.
What do you do when what’s in your hand is not what’s in your head? What do you do when the job you once
celebrated, you’re now praying to God for another one? What do you do when the child you have raised is calling
you from jail?
Celebrate the fact that not only are we being made, we’re being made by the potter. If you have nothing to shout
about, shout about the blessing of being in God’s hands. In His hands, your able to be formed, kept and molded.
So remember, though we’re marred and messed up, God has never taken His hands off of us.
Rev. Otis Petteway
4 October Edition