Fresh Start July Issue | Page 19

evaporation will help cool you down . You can also use a spray bottle to spritz yourself and get the same effect .
4 . Keep the curtains drawn during the day . If you ’ re not at home , keep the curtains drawn and the blinds down – this helps stop sunlight from getting in and heating up your house .
5 . Wear light colors ( and sunscreen ). Light colors reflect light instead of absorbing it , like dark colors do . So why the sunscreen ? While wearing light colors will keep you cooler , they ’ re not as effective at blocking the sun ’ s harmful rays from your skin . Consider applying a daily lotion that contains SPF 30 so you remain protected .
6 . Freeze your pillowcase . If it ’ s still hot out when you ’ re going to bed , stick your pillowcase in the freezer for a bit before you hit the hay . That way , you ’ ll be able to fall asleep on a nice , cool pillow .
7 . Use your fans right . Unlike air conditioners , fans are usually most effective at cooling people directly , not cooling entire rooms . Or if you have more than one fan , and it ’ s cooler outside than inside , you can position two fans in your windows so that one pushes hot air out , and the other brings cool air in .
8 . Eat strategically . We all know that eating and drinking cold things can help cool us down . But you might be surprised to learn that eating very spicy foods can also help you chill out because they help induce sweating . bed with you when you sleep at night . If you ’ re going out and about , bring it to drink – the water will melt slowly , leaving you with something extra cold to sip on .
12 . Replace your light bulbs . Incandescent light bulbs use more energy and emit more heat than compact fluorescent light bulbs , so if you haven ’ t already , replace your old bulbs .
13 . Wear the right fabrics . Loose cotton and linen will help keep you cool ; synthetics will usually make you sweat . So dress accordingly .
14 . Drink lots of water . Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to keep cool . If you ’ re bored by regular water , try infusing it with fresh fruits , vegetables and herbs . Some refreshing combinations include cucumber with lemon and orange with mint . Infusing is easy – just slice up the elements you want to use for flavor , put them in a pitcher with some water and keep it in the fridge .
15 . If you do use AC , don ’ t go too cool . Setting your air conditioner at 78 degrees instead of 72 degrees could decrease your cooling bill between 6 and 18 percent , according to energy . gov . If 78 degrees sounds warm to you , don ’ t worry – when it ’ s 90 degrees or hotter outside , 78 will feel plenty cool .
9 . Open your windows at night .
Opening your windows during the day can just make your house hotter . Instead , wait until the evening to open your windows to let the cool air in .
10 . Don ’ t use the oven to cook . Using the oven can drastically increase the heat in your kitchen . Instead , plan for meals that only use the stove top , microwave or grill .
11 . Keep bottles of water in your freezer . A few bottles of frozen water can do a lot ! Put one behind your neck when you ’ re watching TV or in your