a satirical view by shanglin li
How to write about
a satirical view by shanglin li
Always include Communism and bad in the same sentence . Bad can be changed to another word meaning the same thing . After a sentence about Communism , include something that shows how good capitalism is . After you described Communism , talk about the starving children there , people with no jobs , and how poor they are , and how unequal they are . Some pictures you can use must include starving kids , public execution of citizens , and everyone wearing red .
The main character must be someone saving the world from Communism or trying to convert a country to Capitalism . The protagonist must be successful at anything they do against Communism . If you don ’ t do that , the readers will feel anger toward you . The other characters may include a drunk , fur-wearing Russian , smart American companion , or others . If you are adding a part about the Cold War tell the reader that only Communist countries overthrew countries with a democratic government and replaced them with a dictatorship . Be sure to include how the Communists set up the government differerently than Capitalists set up countries .
Tell them hat the Communists use secret agents to cause uprisings to happen while Capitalists “ tell ” the governments about Capitalism . Some words that you should not use with Communism : equal , social class , well-fed . Remember to end the story with everyone saying that they ’ re happy without Communism .