French & Electric Blue September 2013 | Page 3

Rakes Homicide One homicide case is never more important than another and, to the victim’s family, the loss is painful and permanent. It is equally true that in some circumstances certain cases attract more notoriety or media attention than others. This attention can make working a homicide investigation even more difficult. Two recent cases investigated by our detective units deserve particular mention. State Police Middlesex Detectives, working with the Lincoln Police Department, arrested William Camuti of Sudbury on August 2nd on charges related to the July 16th death of Steven “Stippo” Rakes. At the time of his death, Rakes was involved in the Bulger Trial and had been frequently mentioned in the Boston media as a potential prosecution witness against Bulger. I want to extend congratulations to all of our State Police Middlesex Detectives involved in that investigation. the MSP radio system is an 800 Mhz analog system that was installed at consolidation in 1992. Part of our planning now involves building out the digital system from west to east, at considerable cost. Congruent with our plan are several Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congressional edicts requiring the dissolution of many so-called t-band frequencies. This will ultimately create hardship for many cities and towns in Massachusetts who maintain proprietary radio systems and frequencies that may be phased out. Knowing that the state has significantly invested in the MSP’s 800 Mhz system, several communities have signed on to become subscribers on our system. As we get closer to FCC imposed deadlines, it is likely that more communities will seek to come on board. While all of this interest may eventually prove beneficial to the MSP, considerable planning has to be undertaken to substantiate the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in public funding for infrastructure development. The second relevant example of strategic planning involves information technology. In our case, the most pressing example is the acquisition of a Records Management System (RMS) and Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). A new CAD system will drive considerable change in terms of how the MSP does business and, more importantly, how we provide public safety services. For those of us employed here prior to the proliferation of the cell phone, think about how communication has evolved and changed law enforcement over the past few years. Our E911 centers, for example, service cellular telephone emergency calls across the state. However, as technology and particularly global positioning technology evolves, there will soon come a point where the smart phone and public safety answering points (PSAP) will know precisely where the caller is and to whom it should address the emergency response. The Massachusetts State Police will be required to adapt and change with the technology and our strategic plan will address how we will do so. Hernandez Arrest & Indictment The second case of note is that of Aaron Hernandez’s arrest for the murder of Dorchester resident Odin Lloyd. The investigation and subsequent arrest of the former New England Patriot has drawn national attention and became a media circus in and around Hernandez’s home in North Attleboro. Our State Police Bristol Detectives, under the direction of Detective Lieutenant Robert Horman and Lieutenant King, along with the North Attleboro Police, worked relentlessly in identifying witnesses, gathering evidence, and developing probable cause leading to the arrest of Hernandez and two others. While work continues on that case, I offer thanks and gratitude to all of our members of the State Police Bristol Detectives who have worked so hard on that case as well as other cases of equal importance. I also offer my gratitude to the members of Crime Scene Services Lakeville for their hard work in processing several technically challenging crime scenes. Strategic Planning It is easy to get consumed and sometimes overrun with the day to day issues that occur within the Department, particularly when it comes to operational decision making or managing budgets. Our fiscal year operating model was once described as resembling an inefficient company that goes into business every July 1st and out of business every June 30th. However, one of the responsibilities of the Superintendent’s Office is to look toward the future of the Department and plan for 5, 10, and 20 years from now. The Governor through the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security is committed to state agencies developing strategic plans. Proper planning has to occur before any significant appropriations can be made for investment in the future. Let me offer two examples where this is quite apparent: communications and information technology. As you know, at the beginning of 2012, we finally outfitted Troop “B” communications with a state-of-the-art, digital 800 Mhz radio system – the result of a strategic plan. The remainder of Thank You Labor Day is not the end of warm weather activities, but does signal a transition. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the ex