Freedom Jewellery 1 | Page 7

TOPSHOP JEWELLERY A LITTLE INFORMATION. Topshop jewllery has supported TOPSHOP from the beginning, back when Arcadia first bought the brand forward in 1964. The jewellery line has always provided it’s consumers with individual, quirky, trend setting pieces and the line never fails to provide it’s consumers with everything they’re searching for! Topshop jewellery provide a range of pieces, the lines are forever changing, and the brand always enables itself to make room for new, relevant pieces. Topshop jewellery cater to a wide audience, due to the variety they offer to their consumers, there are always peices available for all different kinds of women/age groups. Topshop jewellery allows it’s consumers to express themselves through necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets, these all provide individuality to their owner, and suit many different outfit choices. This particular zine will introduce you to select peices through creative photoshoots, and will also provide you with information through creative writing...