Freedom Fest Freedom Fest 2017 | Page 19

Patriotic Sing

Monday , July 3 6:00 pm • Morgan Hill Downtown Amphitheater

“ I am the Patriotic Sing . Over the past twenty-nine years , I have taught hundreds of Morgan Hill children the lyrics of America ’ s traditional Patriotic songs . I have honored those who serve in our military , both those currently serving , and those who have served . And , I have made generations of wonderful friends along my journey .

I was the idea of two Morgan Hill residents , Dr . Ronald Mackley and Hal Hendrickson . They wanted to revive a turnof-the-century tradition of children singing Patriotic songs on the Eve of the 4th of July in Morgan Hill . They contacted Karen Ann Crane , a local music teacher , and asked her if she would be interested in helping .
Karen , who had taught first grade at Vandenberg Air Force Base , was really interested . At Vandenberg , during the Vietnam era , patriotism was present everywhere . When she came to teach in San Jose , she was saddened that students didn ’ t know the lyrics to songs like “ This Land is Your Land ” and “ God Bless America ”. I would help her teach children these songs .
My first performance was in 1988 . I was titled “ God Bless the U . S . A .”, named after the popular Lee Greenwood song . The Britton Middle School Gym became my home for the next twenty-six years .
It soon became apparent that my young singers knew the lyrics of my songs and it was time to add another component to my program . I began honoring our military heroes , both those who have served and those who are currently serving .
I created a “ Wall of Heroes ” by having children bring in the names of family members and friends who had served in the military . These names were placed on stars and
hang proudly at each of my performances . I love watching people take pictures of these stars and then send those pictures off to deployed loved ones . I also love seeing Vietnam Veterans standing proudly by their star , holding the hand of a grandchild . Our “ Wall ” has over four hundred names of our local heroes .
The South Bay Chapter of the Blue Star Moms has become my good friend . They always attend my performance , bringing with them pictures of their sons and daughters who are serving in our Armed Forces . They also bring paper and pencils for our chorus members and audience to write notes of encouragement to our soldiers .
I am not alone in my efforts to provide a fantastic 4th of July for the children of Morgan Hill . Freedom Fest , another good friend , supports me and offers children a chance to write essays . This year ’ s topic was “ If you could travel to any Historical Site , National Park or Monument , where would you go and why ?” Please take time to read the essays in this program .
My chorus sings at the Patriotic Sing , Freedom Fest Family Music Fest , and at the Fireworks extravaganza . They also sing their socks off along the parade route in Freedom Fest ’ s Fourth of July Parade . Thanks to Bill Jacobson Trucking for providing our parade float .
I am now in my second generation of singers . I ’ ve moved to the Morgan Hill Amphitheater . Though our traditional songs remain , there are always new singers to carry them forward . I am proud to be able to bring each of you “ our songs ”, the songs of America . I hope to see you at 6 p . m ., July 3rd , as we celebrate this wonderful country of ours , and say , “ Happy Birthday , America .”
Sincerely , Your Freedom Fest Patriotic Sing
With help from my long-time friend , Karen Ann Crane
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