Freedom Fest 2021 Morgan Hill Freedom Fest July 2021 | Page 3

Honoring Our Heroes

Message from the President

Merriam-Webster defi nes hero as a person admired for achievements and noble qualities . Traditionally , we look to our Emergency Services or military as the epitome of heroes . They embody the concept of achievement under adversity . But this past year we recognized something new , those of noble quality .

The parent who took care of their kids during virtual schooling while still working at a job . The grocery store employee who came in every day during the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 , and every day since even at the risk to their own health . The clinical staff who many times were holding the hands of loved ones as they passed alone in the hospital , only to be called to help the next critically ill persons while they worried about the health of their own family at home . The teachers who desperately tried to fi gure out how to use new technology and teach from their living room to our students . The person who would pick up food or needed supplies for a vulnerable neighbor . The farm and food processing workers who labored shoulder to shoulder in unbelievable conditions to make sure that everyone had much needed fresh food . The restaurants who had to create a whole new business model so we can take a break from our home-cooked meals . This and the hundreds of other examples demonstrate that our community and nation is made up of a population with noble qualities .
This year we highlight our many heroes and pay homage to the everyday community members who live among us who did countless heroic actions this past year . Those that lost loved ones , those ‘ Long Haulers ’ that have been affl icted for months , those that cared for others ; we see you . We see your sacrifi ces and your noble quality !
This is what the United States was built upon . Not the nobility of titles , but the nobility of our souls . This country sees obstacles not as something to fear , but as something to overcome . As President Kennedy said “ We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things , NOT because they are easy , but because they are hard .”
This July 4th let us celebrate that which binds us together as a country . We are thrilled to welcome our community back together in-person for our traditional July 4th holiday brought to you , free of charge , by Morgan Hill Freedom Fest . We started back in May with our children ’ s essay contest focusing on heroes and are thrilled to share their essays in this program . Kicking off our weekend of celebration we have our school age children raising their voices at the Patriotic Sing with traditional Americana songs , then just a short walk to the Family Music Festival in beautiful downtown Morgan Hill . A couple hours of sleep and we commence a full day of activities on the 4th starting with a Freedom Run ( 5k / 1mile ), followed by the car cruise and parade throughout the heart of Morgan Hill . Once the parade completes , come back to downtown Monterey to be part of the car show and the award ceremony for the winners of both the parade and car show . Finally , we welcome everyone to the Outdoor Sports Center for the afternoon / evening festival which culminates with a spectacular fi rework show .
There is something for the whole family and we can ’ t wait to share it with you . Thank you for being part of our celebration of Heroes and celebration of the United States of America .
HONORING OUR HEROES Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 2021 1