It ’ s 1876 in the small town of Morgan Hill . There is a tradition that children gather to decorate wagons , bikes , and scooters with fl owers and fl ags . They are eager for the 4th of July Parade to be held the next day . Soon they will be joined by parents , grandparents , families and friends with blankets and picnics . Everyone will sing traditional songs of America , on this , the night before the 4th of July .
Over the years , that Morgan Hill tradition slowly ended . Then in 1989 , two dedicated community members , Dr . Ronald Mackley and Hal Hendrickson , decided to revive the tradition . They contacted , Karen Crane , a local music teacher who believes that all children should know the songs of our country , and the Patriotic Sing was born . The Sing , featuring children in our community singing the songs of our country , is celebrating over thirty years of teaching youngsters our country ’ s traditional songs .
Throughout the years , Morgan Hill has experienced tremendous growth . Back in 1989 , there was no CRC and Aquatic Center . El Toro Elementary was a cluster of portables and Butterfi eld Avenue was only the dream of people driving through town during Britton dismissal time . Gas was 97 cents a gallon , but the 4th of July activities – Patriotic Sing , Street Dance , 4th of July Parade , and Fireworks were still presented free of charge to the public .
Here it is 2021 , our community has experienced the Loma Prieta Earthquake , Operation Desert Storm , 911 , and of course , the Covid pandemic . We have grown into a thriving town with a vibrant downtown . And , children will still gather on the Eve of the 4th of July to sing many of the songs sung at the turn of the century . However , following the Sing , they will be scurrying off to perform at the Freedom Fest Music Fest . Early the next morning , you ’ ll see members of our chorus riding in the Parade , not on a wagon , but on an 18 wheeler ! Thanks to Bill Jacobson Trucking ! Later that evening , we will be singing at Fireworks .
Through the years , we have added friends and fun . The Blue Star Moms join us to collect items children have donated at our rehearsals . Those items are packaged and sent to our deployed troops . The Patriotic Singers sing at the downtown Veterans Day and Memorial Day Ceremonies as well as at community events such as “ The Taste of Morgan Hill ”, and Chamber meetings .
I would like to thank Freedom Fest for their continuing support which began in 1989
Because of them , children have the opportunity to learn our country ’ s songs , to perform for our huge audience , and to keep that turn of the century tradition alive and growing .
20 HONORING OUR HEROES Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 2021