KAREN ANN CRANE Children ’ s Essay Contest Chair
In March , do you find yourself thinking of warm summer days and the 4th of July ? Children in our community do when they are invited to enter Morgan Hill ’ s Freedom Fest Essay Contest . Essays were due the end of April . At that time , our panel of judges had the difficult task choosing winners in our two divisions : Children in second and third grades ( Primary ) and children in fourth and fifth Grades ( Intermediate ).
Our essay contest theme refl ects the annual theme chosen by Freedom Fest . In the past , children have written about “ Morgan Hill , My Home , Sweet Home ”, “ Celebrating the Many Faces of America ”, and “ America , the Beautiful .” One year , children were encouraged to write a thank you note to our Veterans . This year ’ s theme , “ Honoring Our Heroes ” was a favorite with our
young authors . Students wrote essays high-
Primary Division Children in Second and Third Grades
KAYDEN WILSON Nordstrom Elementary School 2nd Grade , Ms . Maule
Grand Prize
FIREFIGHTERS ARE MY HEROES . Are they yours too ? They save people from burning buildings . They are strong caring , alert , and brave .
They put out fi res in both the wilderness and in cities . In cities , fi res could be in apartments , houses , or offi ces . If they are in high buildings , fi refi ghters may have to go up many fl ights of stairs . In the wilderness , they put out fi res and rescue animals .
Firefi ghters help injured and sick people . They are the fi rst to come to help when someone dials 911 . They can help with medicine . They can rescue people who are sick or injured .
Firefi ghters use a hard helmet to keep their head safe and steel-toed rubber boots to keep their feet safe . Firefi ghters have a truck with hoses , ladders , pumps , gear , and water . They can ride in helicopters to see the fi re below them . They can use a fi re extinguisher if the fi re is small to put it out .
Firefi ghters are brave and kind . This is why they are my heroes .
Arzaan B . Charter School Morgan Hill 2nd Grade , Ms . Bernstein
Second Prize
ALBERT EINSTEIN wasn ’ t just a smart physicist , he changed the world . If it weren ’ t for him , we wouldn ’ t know how to do numerous amount of things . He is mostly famous for his theory of relativity . I want to become just like him because he won a Nobel Prize and discovered new theories in science and mathematics . When I grow up I want to become as smart as Albert Einstein and use his theories to put life on the next level .
Einstein was hardworking , when he was young he studied at home by teaching himself math and science from books . I also like doing workbooks to learn new math and science concepts at home just like him . School wasn ’ t his favorite since it was very strict and the teachers didn ’ t allow curiosity in the classroom . He was persistent when he failed an entry exam at college but kept on trying . Einstein was patient when scientists took time to see if his theories were correct , and sometimes did not agree with him .
As a little boy when Einstein fell sick his dad gave him a compass , he played with it and realized it always turned north , south , east and west . This made him curious about physics , just like when my mom bought me a crystal kit and I did my fi rst experiment . I added alum to water and a day later it was a giant crystal , I wondered how it happened . Later I fi gured out the alum absorbed the water until it dried and formed a pointy crystal . Just like Einstein I love science experiments from the simple electro magnet or lemon fuel rockets , I just love to fi nd out why things happen .
When I read about Einstein for the fi rst time I
was amazed that he transformed from a kid who couldn ’ t talk at 3 to one of the smartest scientists we know . Albert Einstein loved to experiment his experiments in his brain before doing them . I have tried to do this but I ’ m not always correct , like when I questioned what happens to a copper 2 sulfate crystal when it ’ s put in water ? My answer was it has crystals grow on it , but the book ’ s answer was it grows bigger and bigger . However , this has not stopped me from experimenting in my brain .
Albert Einstein inspires me to become a scientist and to stay curious since he always says imagination is better than knowledge .
In conclusion , Albert Einstein is my science hero because he discovered theories in mathematics and physics which have helped scientists create new inventions and progress in nuclear science .
RICKY SINGH Los Paseos Elementary School 2nd Grade , Ms . Abaglog
Third Prize
As the world faces a global pandemic were thankful that DOCTORS are able to help us in the pandemic .
We all should be thankful the doctors , nurses and other medical staffs who are on the front line of beating Covid-19 .
While many of us are trying to fi gure out how to stay away from people and social distancing these folks are gearing up for battle and running to help people . We should thank them for working 24hours to help people and staying away from their family and kids .
We owe a huge thanks to the heroes on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic . We love all the doctors in the world
10 HONORING OUR HEROES Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 2021