Free Wealth Management Guide Building An Effectively Diversified Investment Por | Page 6

Portfolio One (starting benchmark) January 1970 - December 2012 Annualized Return Portfolio One Annualized Standard Deviation Growth of $100,000 8.5% 11.6% S&P 500 60% Gov’t/Credit 40% $3,281,865 Portfolio Two (shifting fixed income allocation to short term, high credit quality bonds) In our portfolio, fixed income (bonds) is used to provide stability in the portfolio. There are two primary risk factors when investing in bonds, credit rating and maturity. Credit rating is a measure of the financial strength and stability of the company or entity issuing the bond. Maturity measures the length of time the bond was issued for. In general, longer bond maturities have higher returns and higher standard deviation. However, as you can see in the chart to the right, when you extend maturities beyond intermediate term maturities, the added standard deviation (volatility/risk) rises much faster than the additional return you obtain. 6