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CHAPTER 22  ADO.NET PART II: THE DISCONNECTED LAYER maintain an internal strongly typed collection (named DataTableMappingCollection) of System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping objects. You can access this collection using the TableMappings property of your data adapter object. If you so choose, you can manipulate this collection to inform a DataTable which display names it should use when asked to print its contents. For example, assume that you want to map the table name Inventory to Current Inventory for display purposes. For example, assume you want to display the CarID column name as Car ID (note the extra space) and the PetName column name as Name of Car. To do so, add the following code before calling the Fill() method of your data adapter object (be sure to import the System.Data.Common namespace to gain the definition of the DataTableMapping type): static void Main(string[] args) { ... // Now map DB column names to user-friendly names. DataTableMapping custMap = dAdapt.TableMappings.Add("Inventory", "Current Inventory"); custMap.ColumnMappings.Add("CarID", "Car ID"); custMap.ColumnMappings.Add("PetName", "Name of Car"); dAdapt.Fill(ds, "Inventory"); ... } If you were to run this program again, you would find that the PrintDataSet() method now displays the friendly names of the DataTable and DataRow objects, rather than the names established by the database schema: ***** Fun with Data Adapters ***** DataSet is named: AutoLot => Current Inventory Table: Car ID Make Color Name of Car ---------------------------------83 Ford Rust Rusty 107 Ford Red Snake 678 Yugo Green Clunker 904 VW Black Hank 1000 BMW Black Bimmer 1001 BMW Tan Daisy 1992 Saab Pink Pinkey 2003 Yugo Rust Mel  Source Code You can find the FillDataSetUsingSqlDataAdapter project under the Chapter 22 subdirectory. 891