Free mag vol1 | Page 933

CHAPTER 22  ADO.NET PART II: THE DISCONNECTED LAYER public class Car { public int ID { get; set; } public string PetName { get; set; } public string Make { get; set; } public string Color { get; set; } } Within the default constructor of your main form, populate a List member variable (named listCars) with a set of new Car objects, like so: public partial class MainForm : Form { // A collection of Car objects. List listCars = null; public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); } } // Fill the list with some cars. listCars = new List { new Car { ID = 100, PetName = "Chucky", Make = "BMW", Color = "Green" }, new Car { ID = 101, PetName = "Tiny", Make = "Yugo", Color = "White" }, new Car { ID = 102, PetName = "Ami", Make = "Jeep", Color = "Tan" }, new Car { ID = 103, PetName = "Pain Inducer", Make = "Caravan", Color = "Pink" }, new Car { ID = 104, PetName = "Fred", Make = "BMW", Color = "Green" }, new Car { ID = 105, PetName = "Sidd", Make = "BMW", Color = "Black" }, new Car { ID = 106, PetName = "Mel", Make = "Firebird", Color = "Red" }, new Car { ID = 107, PetName = "Sarah", Make = "Colt", Color = "Black" }, }; Next, add a new member variable named inventoryTable of type DataTable to your MainForm class type, like so: public partial class MainForm : Form { // A collection of Car objects. List listCars = null; // Inventory information. DataTable inventoryTable = new DataTable(); ... } Now add a new helper function to your class named CreateDataTable() and call this method within the default constructor of the MainForm class. 879