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CHAPTER 6  UNDERSTANDING INHERITANCE AND POLYMORPHISM In the .NET universe, every type ultimately derives from a base class named System.Object (which can be represented by the C# object keyword [lowercase “o”]). The Object class defines a set of common members for every type in the framework. In fact, when you do build a class that does not explicitly define its parent, the compiler automatically derives your type from Object. If you want to be very clear in your intentions, you are free to define classes that derive from Object as follows: // Here we are explicitly deriving from System.Object. class Car : object {...} Like any class, System.Object defines a set of members. In the following formal C# definition, note that some of these items are declared virtual, which specifies that a given member may be overridden by a subclass, while others are marked with static (and are therefore called at the class level): public class Object { // Virtual members. public virtual bool Equals(object obj); protected virtual void Finalize(); public virtual int GetHashCode(); public virtual string ToString(); // Instance-level, nonvirtual members. public Type GetType(); protected object MemberwiseClone(); } // Static members. public static bool Equals(object objA, object objB); public static bool ReferenceEquals(object objA, object objB); Table 6-1 offers a rundown of the functionality provided by some of the methods you’re most likely to make use of. Table 6-1. Core Members of System.Object Instance Method of Object Class Meaning in Life Equals() By default, this method returns true only if the items being compared refer to the exact same item in memory. Thus, Equals() is used to compare object references, not the state of the object. Typically, this method is overridden to return true only if the objects being compared have the same internal state values (that is, value-based semantics). Be aware that if you override Equals(), you should also override GetHashCode(), as these methods are used internally by Hashtable types to retrieve subobjects from the container. Also recall from Chapter 4, that the ValueType class overrides this method for all structures, so they work with value-based comparisons. 244