Fredericksburg Plumber How Professional Plumbers Can Help You | Page 4
Water Line Repair Done
• Find the Leak
o The seemingly easiest thing to do is often the hardest. Finding the leak can be
time-consuming so start by looking for any holes or cracks where the leak is
taking place. The most common indicator of a leak is the fact that you may
hear the sound of running water even though water isn’t being used. This is
common for waterline damage done to toilets. A person will often hear the
sound of the toilet water running despite the fact that the toilet isn’t being
used. Usually the size of the hole in the pipes can determine the amount of
damage and the size of the leak. This is the first step in determining the
damage of the waterline.
• Mark the Water Leak
o The next best step is to mark the spot where the damage took place. Marking
the spot serves as an indicator of where the damage is coming from.
• Cover the Seams
o Once you discover where the leak is coming from the next best choice is to
turn off the water valves. After the water valves are turned off the goal is to
cover up the place where the leak is taking place. When covering the leak it is
recommended that a patch be placed on the damaged area of a leaky
pipe. A patch can be anything from simple welding cement, all-purpose
weather repair tape, clear sealer, or silicone tape.