Frankenstein May, 2014 | Page 7

In this part of the novel the creature is trying to convince Victor to listen to his story. He is trying to explain that it was not his fault that it was not his fault that people view him as such a monster. It was victors Fault that he is made to look like such a monster. The creature wants Victor to understand all the hardships that he had gone through, since Victor had left him alone.

The Passage/quote relates to the topic of isolation because, the creature talks about how everyone runs away from him, even his own creator. The key word in the quote of excluded shows how he felt in his isolation from everybody else’s happiness. These pictures represent this by showing how the creature could only look at the pretty things (the flower) and watch other people live their lives instead of living one of his own. The Creater has to live his life hiding and lonely unable to enjoy the company of others. The Pictures show that even with seeing the pretty things in life one cannot be so happy, till they have those things themselves