Frankenstein May, 2014 | Page 3

" I felt sensations of a peculiar and pleasure such as I had never before experienced, either from hunger or cold, warmth or food; aind I withdrew from the windown unable to bear those emotions" (Shelly,97)

In this part of the novel the Creature is watching a family. The creature watches the male and female and sees how happy they are having each other. This is when the Creature starts to feel emotions and starts learning from the family. The creature wants the happy life that the family has, all the kindness and compassion they show for each other. The Creature believed that the girl was what true beauty was and that he could find a life with people.

As the creature starts to feel a bit of emotions he pulls away and leaves keeping with his isolation from people. This is shown in both photos the first one him starting at the flower still watching, just like the creature watching the family still trying to understand. But in the second photo moving away and just shifts his attention a little bit. Just like the creature had done, no longer watching the couple and moving to watch the old man.