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Francisco Franco Bahamonde, better known as Franco dies at 82. Dies the 20 of december of 1975.

uring the 1924–1930 dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera, Franco was promoted general at age 33, the youngest in Europe. Franco gave a coup in 1936, but didn’t function so the civil war started. but didn’t function so the civil war started.

The spanish civil war took place in spain between 1936 and 1939 between the republican side and the national side, which was led by General Francisco Franco. At that time, the president of Spain was Manuel Azaña, a democratically elected republican. As part of the Spanish army was based in Morocco, several of the most influential generals, with Francisco Franco at the head, gave coup. After the civil war, Franco started his dictatorship in Spain.

4 December 1892 – 20 November 1975