Franchise Update Magazine Issue II, 2016 | Page 18
ublic relations is witnessing some- the pros, here are some tips to take you accounts through a single dashboard to
thing of a tactical evolution these to the next level.
help automate social media marketing
days, but at its core it’s still all
and increase engagement. HootSuite can
about communication and relationships. Tools of the trade
also help monitor top content, likes and
No two elements are more fundamental— Old-school strategies like press releases shares, traffic sources, and other metrics
or effective—in designing and executing still have value, but the PR landscape has with reporting modules like Facebook’s
a franchise PR strategy. Whether look- evolved and there’s so much more brands Page Insights and Google Analytics. Just
ing to enhance consumer marketing ef- can do today. Many PR websites will post sign in with Twitter, Facebook, Google+,
forts or to inject new energy into a lead your news releases free and help with SEO. or your email address, and set up “streams”
generation program, the right PR tools, Some charge small fees, but the payoff is for each social media account.
well-crafted content, and that they do a great job of getting the word
Then there’s HARO (Help a Reporter
savvy PR people can help out in an increasingly digital world. But Out), a great free method for connecting
brands succeed in getting that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
your company’s expertise to reporters,
their messages across efWhile positive print, broadcast, or on- bloggers, and journalists from all types of
line coverage in mainstream or
publications and media properToday’s public rela- trade media continues to hold
ties who are looking for sources
tions is strategic storytell- tremendous value in terms of
on specific topics. Sign up as
a source and HARO will send
ing, says All Points Public third-party credibility, today’s
Relations President Jamie franchisors have new PR vequeries from journalists to your
Izaks. “It’s about devel- hicles they can use to your
inbox. If a query is a good fit
oping a comprehensive benefit, such as building a presfor your expertise and busiJamie Izaks
strategy that integrates or ence and loyal following across
ness, pitch your response and
blends several tactics used to tell the best multiple social media networks.
qualifications directly to the
stories possible about your brand,” he says. Franchisors now have the opjournalist by email for a posToday’s PR discipline, he says, has its portunity to build and leverage Wendy Odell Magus sible interview or direct quote.
own dynamic collection of tools, and fran- relationships with social meWendy Odell Magus, vice
chise brands should always be
dia “influencers,” says Fish- president of marketing at Kiddie Academy,
focused on a mix of tools that
man Public Relation’s COO uses both of these tools. “As you hear so
work well together to form
Debra Vilchis.
often, it’s all about the content. The tools
a cost-effective strategy that
“Influencers can be blog- to help identify media opportunities and
produces the desired results.
gers, celebrities, and Internet distribute news and information are fairly
And now more than ever, that
sensations, as well as regular commoditized,” she says. “We use things
includes social media. The craft
moms and Millennials with like NewsWhip, Vocus, HARO, and an
has evolved from simply earnlarge, dedicated followings application like Hootsuite to keep our
ing media results (“hits”), and
across Twitter, Facebook, Tum- PR flowing.” And, she says, they’re getmuch of that stems from the
blr, YouTube, or other social ting results.
creative writing, design talents, Debra Vilchis
media networks,” she says.
Content marketing has also become
and technological resources and
HootSuite, for example, an important component of strategic PR
savvy within today’s PR agencies.
is a social media management tool that initiatives. Many think of it as a kind of
Whether your PR efforts are finely can help businesses find leads and iden- DIY publishing. “Most franchisors today
tuned or in need of adjustment, whether tify social media influencers. It allows now have separate blogs for their consumer
you handle it in-house or outsource it to clients to manage multiple social media brand and franchise opportunity pages and
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