Franchise Update Magazine Issue II, 2012 | Page 16
Grow Market Lead
By Paul Mangiamele
Anatomy of a
reclaims the
integrity of an icon
Part 1
veryone loves a good come- First things first: analyze this!
back story, and I am hon- Our quest to restore the integrity of an
ored and humbled to be at icon began with a six-month analysis
the helm of a classic turn- of our situation. We had to be willing
to look at every piece of the business—
around tale.
Norman Brinker, the casual dining from operations, design, and marketing
innovator and icon behind Bennigan’s, to franchisees, real estate, and supply
was a wonderful friend and mentor in chain. Once we knew where we were,
the business. Thirty-five years ago, we could put the right teams, stratehe and a team of hard-working ex- gies, and tactics together to get where
ecutives, many of whom grew within we wanted to be. And then our misthe business and later became CEOs sion became both clear and possible:
of concepts we know today, built a create a “legendary” brand experience
successful brand with great integrity. for every guest, every meal, every day.
This is our rallying cry, and a very
When I took over as chief executive
of Bennigan’s Franchising Company important part of bringing all conin May 2011, I had nothing but re- stituents together and working toward
spect for this beloved brand and the the same goal. For Bennigan’s to rise
up from a sea of sameness and diffranchisees who invested their money
ferentiate itself, it has to know
and talents into it.
where it came from, its roots,
Like many casual-themed
heritage, and legacy. We are
brands, Bennigan’s became
friendly Irish hospitality.
a victim of brand drift over
We bleed green. We don’t
time, moving away from the
just have bartenders, we
core elements that made it
have rock star mixologists.
famous in the late 1980s. But
We don’t just have great
a nostalgic public was hungry
food, we have chef-driven,
for the high-energy experience
unique favorites like
they fondly remembered,
the Monte Cristo and
and the stage was set.
Turkey O’Toole.
It wasn’t just time
This shift in thinkfor a turnaround; it
ing and action rewas time for a requires alignment of
naissance. How did
Paul Mangiamele
the whole team. Evwe do it?
Franchiseupdate Iss u e II, 2 0 1 2