tips thursday
Creamed leeks
Serves : 4 Cooked : on the hob
Preparation time : 10 minutes Cooking time : 15 minutes dietary requirements for greens and leeks :
2 large leeks pinch nutmeg
50g butter 50ml cream
25g plain flour salt and pepper
250 milk
1 . Trim the very end of the white part of the leek and discard . Trim the green end until you get to the more tightly packed , paler green part , keep the green ends to one side . Cut the remaining leek into 5cm cylinders and wash thoroughly under running water in a colander until you are sure there is no dirt remaining . 2 . Put into salted water , bring to the boil and turn the heat down , simmer for 10 minutes or until the leeks are tender and then drain well . Keep in a cool place until needed . These can be cooked in the morning and kept in the fridge . 3 . Meanwhile remove any damaged or very rough looking parts of the green leek and then finely shred the rest . Put into a saucepan with the butter , cover and allow to cook for 5 minutes over a gentle heat , the leeks want to be really soft and sweet smelling , this is the only real cooking they will get . Turn off the heat , add the flour and mix well . Add the milk a little at a time and then season well with salt , pepper and nutmeg . Bring to the boil stiring all the time until the sauce boils , then boil for a minute or so . Turn off the heat , add the cream , adjust seasoning and cover with a piece of cling film or baking paper directly onto the surface ( this will prevent a skin forming ). You can make this sauce in the morning and store covered in a cool place . 4 . Re-heat the leeks , either in a microwave or in a little of the sauce over a gentle heat for 5-10 minutes . Heat the rest of the sauce separately .
To serve : mix the warm leeks with the sauce and serve in a warm serving dish for the guests to help themselves to .
Trio of greens
Serves : 4 Cooked : on the hob
125g frozen peas 1 leek 100g frozen French beans olive oil salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preparation time : 10 minutes Cooking time : 10 minutes
1 . Cut the leek into 10cm lengths and then cut into matchsticks lengthways , wash well in a colander . 2 . Bring a pan of salted water to the boil and as you clear the starter plates , put the peas and leeks into the water and return to the boil . As soon as it is boiling add the frozen beans , cook for 1 minute and drain well . Put the veg back into the saucepan and toss with the olive oil salt and pepper .
To serve : Place the greens in the centre of a warmed dinner plate , topped with the chicken and red pepper sauce . vegetarian : OK
vegan : NO , blanch leeks , toss with olive oil , nutmeg and salt and pepper
dairy free : NO , as vegan
nut free : NO , check nutmeg in leeks with guest
gluten free : NO , blanch leeks , make sauce by boiling 75ml mix milk and cream , nutmeg , salt and pepper and thicken with corn flour
tips thursday
A mix of fresh green flavours , season well but do not over flavour as we have bags of that in our already gorgeous pepper sauce .
Do not cook this ahead , you are after fresh cooked , fresh looking vegetables that act as a back drop to the chicken .