California SB 258
California State Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced California Senate Bill 258 (SB 258), The Cleaning Product
Right to Know Act. SB 258 would require on-label and online disclosure of cleaning product ingredients, including fragrance
ingredients. The passage of SB 258 is imminent due to the political climate in California; SB 258 has passed the California Senate
and two substantive California Assembly Committees. During the 2Q17 and into 3Q17, IFRANA and its allied trades have made
considerable progress negotiating what SB 258 will require. The bill has been amended to allow for confidential business information
(CBI) protections and to include threshold disclosure amounts. IFRANA is still actively engaged in drafting amended language
and will continue to influence the California legislative process. The revised SB 258 is expected to pass in September 2017.
New York DEC
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NY DEC) chose to act on its existing statutory authority and
will require all manufacturers of household cleaning products to disclose chemical ingredients on manufacturers’ websites. In
April 2017, NY DEC released its Draft of the 2017 Household Cleansing Product Information Disclosure Program Certification
Form and Guidance Document. NY DEC’s proposed rulemaking would allow cleaning product manufacturers to disclose ingredients
online and would allow manufacturers to claim CBI protections. However, NY DEC will not allow for CBI protection for ingredients
(including fragrance ingredients) on one or more lists of chemicals of concern. These lists problematically include the AOEC
Asthmagens List as well as GHS classification lists. IFRANA attended the May 2017 industry stakeholder meeting and submitted
comments in July 2017. Still, Governor Cuomo is proud to be the “first in the nation” to address cleaning product ingredient
disclosure. Though willing to accept industry input, NY DEC is committed to finalizing its regulation in or before 4Q17.
GHS Implementation: New Transition Timelines to WHMIS 2015
The deadlines for GHS implementation in Canada have been delayed. Orders extending the compliance periods for transition to
WHMIS 2015 were published in the Canada Gazette Part II.
• Manufacturers and importers - June 1, 2018 (delayed from June 1, 2017)
• Distributors - September 1, 2018 (delayed from June 1, 2018)
Health Canada has stated that these implementation delays will allow time to address concerns over the process for protection of
CBI. IFRANA will continue to coordinate with other impacted trades on this issue and provide input as needed.
Parliamentary Review of CEPA 1999
The Canadian government is currently performing a comprehensive review of the provisions and operation of the Canadian En-
vironmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), as is required by section 343 of the Act to be done every five years. The Stand-
ing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development submitted its report, “Healthy Environment, Healthy Canadians,
Healthy Economy: Strengthening the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999,” to the House of Commons, and has request-
ed that the Government respond to its report within 120 days. IFRANA is working to review the individual recommendations in
order to provide feedback to the Canadian government.