Farah Ahmed, IFRANA; Steve Tanner, Arylessence;
Representative Bill Pascrell (D-NJ-9)
Andreas Steiner, Symrise; Representative Buddy Carter
(R-GA-1); Farah Ahmed, IFRANA; Steve Tanner, Arylessence.
• IFRANA had the opportunity to educate influential tax and
trade Congressional Members and staff about the fragrance
industry and our unique needs and contributions. Several of
these individuals were unaware of the B-to-B nature of our business,
the contribution of fragrance to consumption (purchasing
decisions), importance of CBI, the high-tech nature of the
fragrance industry, and the degree we are sensitive to trade.
More education is required, especially as the government
embarks on NAFTA negotiations and Boarder Adjustability
Tax continues to evolve. IFRANA will work through these
new Hill relationships and agency relationships as the
115th Congress & Executive Branch ad dress tax reform
and trade negotiations;
• IFRANA’s message about TSCA implementation was
welcomed and informative; Congressional Members and staffers
F R A G R A N C E N O T E S S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 7
Robert Weinstein, Robertet; Ken McAlister,
Interome Fragrance Corporation
Andreas Steiner, Symrise; Farah Ahmed, IFRANA; Senator
John Boozman (R-AR); Steve Tanner, Arylessence; Cynthia
Reichard, Arylessence.
recognized the need for adequate appropriations and qualified
EPA staff to effectuate the purposes of TSCA. Notably, as a
result of Lobby Day, Representative Loudermilk offered to
assist IFRANA in obtaining a meeting wit h EPA Administrator
Scott Pruitt; and
• Regarding pending cosmetics legislation, IFRANA
emphasized the need for trade secret protection, predictability,
and a uniform, nationwide system. IFRANA follow-up requests
from Representatives Lance and Pallone as well as Senators
Feinstein and Hatch.
A number of offices wished to learn more about the fragrance
industry. IFRANA will continue to provide information,
leave-behinds, and other advocacy tools to maximize the impact
of its 2017 Lobby Day.