Shawn Blythe, IFF, greets Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ).
IFRANA members share a laugh with Representative
Barry Loudermilk (R-GA-11).
IFRANA members discuss priority issues
with Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ).
I FRANA’s 2017 Lobby Day yielded significant advancements 2016 2017
in the organization’s advocacy goals. We connected with key
decision-makers (Members and staff) on issues of importance
for the industry. IFRANA strengthened existing relationships,
gained new support in Congress, and were offered assistance
in arranging meetings with agency officials. These relationships
will assist IFRANA in promoting a science-based, common
sense, pro-industry legislative and regulatory environment for
our member companies doing business in the U.S. Total Meetings 27
Congressional Member Meetings 7
Committee-Level Meetings N/A
IFRANA Participants 24
EXPANDING THE INDUSTRY’S FOOTPRINT Notably, while roughly the same number of IFRANA members
participated as in 2016, 2017’s total meetings and Congressional
Member-level meetings doubled. 2017 also marked the first
time where IFRANA participants met with Ways & Means
and Finance Committees and Subcommittees. IFRANA
members also engaged with influential Congressional Members
and staff on cosmetics reform, the EPA, tax, and trade policy.
IFRANA elevated its approach to scheduling meetings by
moving away from the previous “one-issue-per-team” model.
Instead, each team educated policymakers about the fragrance
industry and discussed IFRANA’s priority issues. Specifically,
participants engaged policymakers on the topics of regulatory
reform, tax & trade, TSCA implementation, and cosmetics
reform legislation. Member-level meetings included Representatives Buddy
Carter (R-GA-1), Steve Chabot (R-OH-1), Dan Donovan
(R-NY-11), Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA-3), Leonard Lance
(R-NJ-7), Barry Loudermilk (R-GA-11), Raja Krishnamoorthi
(D-IL-8), Bill Pascrell (D-NJ-9), Mike Thompson (D-CA-5),
Tim Walz (D-MN-1), and Senators Cory Booker (D-NJ) and
David Perdue (R-GA).
This year, we focused on increasing the number of quality
meetings, achieving pubic recognition for our efforts, and
leveraging meetings for future advocacy opportunities. Each
goal is summarized, in turn, below.