“Robert Weinstein holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Kalamazoo College and a doctorate in
chemistry from MIT. Weinstein has spent his 30 wonderful years in the flavor and fragrance industry
in various technical and senior leadership positions. Weinstein is the President & CEO of Robertet
USA.” - Perfumer & Flavorist (2017 Flavorcon Conference Advisory Board Member)
A s we sat down with Bob Weinstein, President of Robertet
USA, it quickly became clear, learning is part of his joie de vivre
Straight forward and unabashedly inquisitive by nature –
whether it be science, business, people, culture – Bob’s genuine
desire to deeply understand things and people are what makes him
an effective leader. Listening, thinking, asking questions, and
providing thoughtful guidance are hallmarks of his leadership
style today.
Bob’s passion for learning started with school (chemistry)
and grew to a deep desire to understand people, the importance
of giving back in a meaningful way, and the value of time.
Sparking Curiosity
“I’m a chemistry nerd.”
Bob recalls becoming first aware of his thirst for knowledge
when he was eight years old. It was when his parents gave him
a chemistry set. A set that was later taken away when Bob’s
curiosity took him “off label” as he began to create projectiles
through chemistry. Indeed, like any child’s dream, he learned
out how to make things explode. And, thus, Bob’s affinity
towards scientific discovery began.
Experiments in Education
While exploring chemistry programs, Kalamazoo College in
Michigan stood out. It had a well-funded program and was one
of the few institutions at that time with a graduation requirement
for students to have a speaking and writing proficiency in a
foreign language.. Bob, an English-only speaker at the time,
was up to the challenge of learning a new language (alongside
tooling with beakers and Bunsen burners).
During college, Bob traveled to Europe to earn his foreign
language credits; hitchhiking through Greece, Italy, France and
Germany. “When I travel, I try to keep my mind open – to soak
in new sounds, tastes, smells – there is so much we can learn
from other cultures.”
After graduation, Bob’s thirst for learning was certainly not
quenched. He set his sights on MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology). Voraciously learning and working as a researcher,
Bob published over 5 papers on organometallic chemistry.
In tune with what drives him – practical application – when
he reached the decision crossroads of staying in academia or
transitioning into industry, Bob knew which path to choose.
Making Scents
“ The
fragrance industry is a great place for
applied sciences. ”
The fragrance industry gave Bob this opportunity and continues
to learn, and innovate. At Robertet, the focus is on natural raw
materials and utilizing them for the benefit of creating outstanding
fragrances and flavors to delight consumers. “Robertet is a great
company, with an outstanding 167 year old family heritage and
a great fit for me.” At Robertet Bob has the opportunity to not
only apply his business, management, scientific acumen, but do
it in a way that he lps society and the environment.