About Kelli:
As Director of Marketing & Industry Affairs at Bell Flavors
& Fragrances, her role is responsible for coordinating Bell’s
global marketing teams. Kelli actively holds leadership
positions in WFFC Chicago Chapter, FEMA (Flavor &
Extract Manufacturing Association) and IFRANA
(International Fragrance Association of North America).
She is a past president of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Chicago
Alumnae Association. Kelli received a Master’s in Commu-
nication specializing in Journalism from DePaul University
and was a Distinguished Scholar in Tulane University’s honors
program for her undergraduate education. This year Kelli will
attend an executive program at Harvard Business School.
What are you most hopeful about
for the fragrance industry?
Considering fragrance creates such an emotional appeal for
consumers, I hope to maintain fragrance’s reputation in a
positive light. A world without fragrance would be very dull
and disenchanting place so educating the consumer about
Kelli Heinz how fragrances are created, the art behind the scenes and
Director of Marketing & Industry Affairs
Bell Flavors & Fragrances to convey. We have a great story to share. Although it may
most importantly, the safety that is taken into account when
developing these impressionable scents is very important
seem a tad scientific for the everyday consumer, I believe
we have many ways to convey the beauty this industry takes
so much pride in creating a world full of fragrance.
“I like to say,
we create memories
and happiness for
consumers when asked
what I do for a living. ”
What do you think is the most
interesting thing about the
fragrance industry?
The fragrance industry is a unique and under credited industry
that touches the lives of consumers every day. The average
consumer’s daily routine touches around 40 different consumer
products that contain fragrance and each of these products has
an impact on their lives. To be a part of an industry that affects
so many consumers on a daily basis is something I take pride
in for my work. I like to say, we create memories and happiness
for consumers when asked what I do for a living.