Arylessence Granted First SQFI
Ethical Sourcing Certificate
From a press release issued by EAGLE Food
Registrations Inc.—
“In August of 2018, Arylessence received
the first-ever SQFI Ethical Sourcing Certifi-
cate to from EAGLE Food Registrations Inc.,
which specializes in third-party certification to
international management system standards.
SQF Ethical Sourcing is a voluntary standard
that provides guidance to organizations on
documenting their management systems and
procedures relative to fair labor and socially
responsible environmental practices.
With increasing pressure from consumers
for industries to embrace socially responsible
practices, certification to the Ethical Sourc-
ing standard is a first step for companies to
demonstrate their commitment to their em-
ployees and the environment. Ethical Sourc-
ing focuses on what organizations are doing to
provide acceptable conditions of employment,
tenure for employees and management of the
‘EAGLE is excited and honored to issue the
first accredited SQFI Ethical Sourcing Certif-
icate. We are embracing the Ethical Sourcing
standard and the accountability it will drive
across organizations. We believe it is the right
thing for businesses to do, even if it is not yet
mandated by their customers. Many companies
are already ‘doing the right thing.’ Certification
provides documented proof from a third-party
that companies have effective processes in
place to manage and sustain their system,’ said
Albert “Skip” Greenaway, President/CEO,
EAGLE Certification Group.
‘Fair labor and socially responsible envi-
ronmental practices have been foundational
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in our business and are a primary focus of our
management and production practices. This
first ever accredited SQFI Ethical Sourcing
Certificate issued by EAGLE Certification
Group further asserts and validates our past,
present, and future commitments to the high-
est social and environmental standards and
From Arylessence ownership to each and
every team member, we are dedicated to for-
ward-thinking business practices that promote
and support the highest ethical integrity while
enhancing the health and well-being of people
and the planet. We are honored and extremely
pleased to have our high standards recognized,
as well as to lead the way as the first ever
corporation to receive this important accred-
itation,’ said Bret Tanner, Vice President of
Operations, Arylessence, Inc.”