perfumes or about different ways to use perfumes.” He
wants to challenge the industry to think about, what
else can you do with perfume?
“My theory is we’re ripe for somebody to show up
with innovation and to shake up the industry complete-
ly,” he says. “We are that ‘shock’ in the industry at
P&G. We’re innovating left and right with perfumers.
Over the next few years, you’re going to see more
products hit the market with fragrances that bring oth-
er benefits to the consumers and that make consumers’
lives easier, that make consumers’ lives better, that in-
crease the delight of consumers. Not just because they
smell nice, but because the perfume offers a unique
benefit to the consumer.”
He also points to the need for industry unity. “I
think in the face of ‘chemophobia’—[an aversion to or
prejudice against chemicals or chemistry]—in the face
of misinformation, in the face of all these issues that
hurt not just companies but all of us as an industry, we
should join forces to work it out as a whole,” he says.
“In the face of industry-wide challenges we should
We’re doing this because we think
this is the right thing to do. We
know that society, as a whole,
benefits from perfumery, and we
need to make sure we share that
with people so they understand the
real value.
12 | FRAGRANCENOTES.ORG | Issue 1, 2019