Fr. Richard Henkes, S.A.C., A Picture of His Life A Picture of His Life | Page 39

1944 Voluntary medical and spiritual service in the Typhus barrack 17 from November on. 1945 Infection - died on February 22nd; Burial of the urn in the Limburg Pallottine cemetery on June 7th, the twentieth anniversary of his first Mass. 1990 At the Feast of All Saints the urn is transferred to the bishop’s crypt of the cemetery. 2003 Bishop Franz Kamphaus of Limburg opens on May 22nd the Episcopal Inquiry for the beatification. 2007 Bishop Franz Kamphaus decides on January 23rd that Surveying procedures and directs the files of the process to Rome. 2018 Pope Francis authorizes the Congregation for the Caus- es of Saints to promulgate the decree of beatification on December 22nd 2019 Blessed Richard Henkes is beatified on September 15th in St. George’s Cathedral in Limburg. 33