Fr. Richard Henkes, S.A.C., A Picture of His Life A Picture of His Life | Page 35
important documents on the life of his countryman.
On the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary, the Theological Col-
lege of Vallendar held a large memorial service for Fr. Henkes. Beate
Heinen created a much-respected portrait of the martyr priest. On
the occasion of his 100th birthday, his native municipality introduced
a play on stage that Matthias Struth had initiated, at that time deacon
in Ruppach, later pastor in Wiesbaden, today (2016) hospital chaplain
in Frankfurt.
The town hall was named “Fr.-Richard-Henkes-Haus” at the
initiative of Mayor Gerold Sprenger. In October 2000, the Czech
Bishops’ Conference decided to support a beatification process for Fr.
Henkes from the Pallottines. In January 2001, the provincial chapter
of the Pallottines decided to create the conditions for a beatification
process. Prof. Fr. Dr. Manfred Probst was entrusted with the corre-
sponding work and in 2001 he was appointed postulator. On May 24,
2003, Bishop Dr. Franz Kamphaus von Limburg solemnly undertook
the bishops’ proceedings for the beatification of Fr. Richard Henkes.
On January 23, 2007, he was able to complete the process and pass it
on to Rome.
On 22nd December 2018 Pope Francis authorized the Congrega-
tion for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decree regarding the
beatification of Fr. Henkes. On 15th September 2019 he was beatified
in the cathedral of his home diocese in Limburg on the bank of the
river Lahn.