Our Solutions
Sample Solution
With the help of the NSW committee, the school
coach organised people experts in their field, such as
Assoc. Professor Geoffrey Herkes, parent and
neurologist, to help students understand difficult
topics like neurotechnology. This meant the students
were better prepared for important booklets.
Improved preparation increased their confidence and
success so they wanted to keep doing FPS.
Many Possible Solutions
Completed problems in CmPS that were manageable and of direct benefit to school.
Celebrated student success, e.g. through a notice board and trophy cabinet.
Aimed to get someone to Finals (State Bowl) every year and then to IC.
Created a network with other willing teachers and schools to help, and learn from, them.
Accommodated different interests by participating in more than one program option.
Used the school’s student leaders and other means to promote the program.
Encouraged students to see the value of the program even if unsuccessful in competition.
Promoted top FPS students by having them submit applications for special awards.
Had students and teachers become active in the program more widely, e.g. as evaluators.
10. Used ‘experts’ from outside the school to help coach the students.
11. Found ways to make the program fun for students.
12. Arranged some class time for the program.
13. Involved parents on occasions for support.
14. Was a passionate and knowledgeable leader.
15. Actively worked to gain School Leadership support.
16. Let students form teams with friends.