Fourth edition | Page 5

Nature Reflects Our Nature

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I am happy to know that the Nature and Social Concern Society ( NSCS ) is publishing its fourth edition of magazine Pratibimba-2021 , and it ’ s my privilege to convey this message on this happy occasion .
Pratibimba magazines in past have truly reflected the emerging environmental and social concern that the humanity is facing in the present world . This edition also encompasses a good collection of such articles . I take a pride in congratulating the students of environmental science for regularly publishing the magazine besides their engagement in studies . Magazines have personality and publishing a magazine is a huge task that demands time , patience , and above all reflects your imagination for a creation .
The biggest environmental threat of the 21st century is ‘ Climate Change ’ which is causing water crisis leading to food shortages . Climate is not just changing but it ’ s a crisis now , its ‘ Climate Crisis ’. If we do not do something now Nepal is sure to face serious problems over a short period of time . In this context , I encourage students to take initiation in raising awareness in society for climate resilience through similar publications .
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