Fourth District PTA Springs Workshops and Vendor Fair Junio 2017 | Page 8

DESCRIPCIÓN DE TALLERES DE CAPACITACIÓN PRIMAVERA 2017 SESION B – 09:00Hrs.-10:00Hrs. 201. PTA Insurance Overview PTAs have various events for children, but what does the PTA insurance cover and what is the process in reporting a claim? This brief class will provide an easy to understand overview and allow you to ask your questions. Facilitator: Manuel Hamme - Knights Insurance Representative 202. Parliamentarian what does that mean? Learn what your role is as Parliamentarian entails, from how parliamentary procedure should be used in your PTA meetings, to how you guide the Nomination and Elections process. Facilitator: Christy Ballard – Parliamentarian, Fourth District PTA 203. Arts Education - What you can do to increase, improve and integrate art education at your school. Art education has the ability to improve students’ grades, increase their desire to go to school, and expand their understanding of others.   Learn how to make a definite change at YOUR school. Facilitators: Donna Artukovic - Cultural Arts Committee Member, Fourth District PTA Barbara Ledterman - Cultural Arts Committee Member, Fourth District PTA 204. PTA Membership – Throughout the Year Watch your PTA membership grow! Learn what it takes to have a successful yearlong campaign. Facilitator: Candi Kern – 7 th Vice President Membership, Fourth District PTA Talleres con interpretación simultánea al español.