301 . PTA Reflections
Learn how to promote this National PTA arts program . Come learn how to get teachers , parents and students excited about the program and participating . Reflections categories include music composition , dance , video , literature , photography and art . Be an Artist !
Facilitator :
Michele Langham-2 nd Vice President Programs , Fourth District PTA
302 . 21st Century Technology and PTA
Want to bring your PTA to the 21st century ? Technology is ever changing , so make sure your PTA is maximizing on the tools ( most of which are free ) available ! Learn about the tools your PTA can use to have more effective meetings , improve audience reach , modernize record keeping , organize finances , and to stay connected through social media . Tech novices and tech geeks alike can benefit !
Facilitator : Jennifer Schuerger – President , Orange Community Council of PTA
303 . Advocacy Overview
This workshop will describe PTA advocacy efforts at the local , state and national level . We will discuss significant legislation and give participants an opportunity to see how they can make a difference in their own community .
Facilitator : Kathleen Fay – 3 rd Vice President Advocacy , Fourth District PTA
304 . The PTA Audit
All PTA board members have a fiduciary responsibility to protect the assets of their PTA . An audit is a great tool in keeping your PTA finances safe - it helps determine the accuracy of the books and records of the financial officers . Learn how to conduct an audit ; what to look for , and how to get help if you need it .
Facilitator : Jennifer Juarez – Auditor , Fourth District PTA
Workshop with Spanish simultaneous interpretation