Foursquare Leader Volume 10 Issue 2 FS_LeaderEng_Fall2019_Web | Page 10

OPEN HEARTS OPEN HEARTS WE MUST BE INTENTIONAL ABOUT DI V E RSITY Diversity in our churches isn’t going to happen unless we are deliberate about it. W hy should we do what we can to create diversity in our local 10 people who look like them. We work gender and socioeconomic status? together, play together, shop and eat love our neighbor as ourselves? Did he not teach that we are to be neighbors even to our “Samaritans”? That we’re to be open and accepting of those who are different from us? God created us all—therefore, each of us represents an aspect of His person. This means that, to truly be a reflection of our Creator, our churches must be diverse. TO CREATE HEALTHY DIVERSITY IN OUR CHURCHES, OUR DIFFERENCES— REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY ARE—MUST BE CELEBRATED. Huey Hudson is senior pastor of Restoration Church (Huntsville Foursquare Church) in Madison, Ala., and chairperson of Foursquare’s board of directors. together, but when it comes to worshiping because God intended it. Acts 17:26-28 the one God who made us to be one makes it clear that we’re all connected blood, we seek out those who are like us. F O U R S Q U A R E Leade r isn’t that what Jesus instructed? That we Yet it seems that in our quest for God, ethnicity and includes a variance of age, from one blood every nation of men to open the doorway to their hearts. And dwell on all the face of the earth” (NKJV). many choose to pursue Him only with through God’s divine plan: “He has made People want to be loved for who they are, and love is the one sure thing that can Huey Hudson churches? A diversity that goes beyond First of all, we should pursue diversity what they are—must be celebrated. To create healthy diversity in our churches, our differences—regardless of FA L L 2 0 1 9 11