Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 99

• 18’Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 4 • -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: S(Coagulation, Separation): i -Electrocoagulation: • ●v- Rotating electrode(basically same as rotating magnetic field /strong torsion field effects if rpm is high) for increased coagulation activity(Boydel, Avivid Water+): What would happen if additionally place rotating magnetic field? There are very widely used full mainstream lab-academic type device with such specific capacity(Rotating Disk Electrode: RDE, Rotating Ring Disk Electrode:RRDE), but many experiments are done at only 50-200rpm range, usually needs 5,000-10,000rpm to have anomalous effects. ●vi- Varied electrolysis based mechanics to recover phosphate from wastewater: From human urine(Novaquatis - NoMix toilet+), Dairy farm: Rephater, Residential housing size FePO 4 recovery(Fujiclean jp+), ●vii- Silica precipitation for descaling cooling tower pipes(Water Vision Inc+), ●viii- Various other mineral resource precipitation from water (ElectroSynthesis+) also see ElectroWinning below. 、 ii -ElectroWinning(See 40'ElectroDeposition/ElectroPlating): Although this is complete mainstream or the most core part of many metal smelting/production process(Gold/Silver/Zinc/Copper/Aluminum etc), it is underused in mining wastewater effluent cleaning + metal recovery purpose. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 99