Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 97

• • 18’Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 2 ->> cont. WM Accepted effect, S(Coagulation, Separation): i -Electrocoagulation: Significance of WM acceptance its effectiveness: • • 1- Electrolysis was officially accepted as very low cost & effective performance tech for most types of waste water treatment: Ion seeding/ dissolving from long lasting electrode & electric current to break colloidal/ ion solutions & emulsion to precipitate, while other effective methods of electrofloation and electo-oxidation effects(H 2 O 2 , Ozone, Hydroxyl) can all take place simultaneously. 2- By newly approving this long resisted “unknown mechanics tech” with major ramification, this demonstrates a possibility/recent precedent of “both scientific & media level legalization” of other currently pseudoscientized versions of electrochemical water effects. Wide range of low cost effects application: Radioactive isotope removal(F&T water solutions+), Somewhat rare focus on heavymetal recovery for drinking water cleaning (ElectroChemical Arsenic Remediation: Sus Addy+), Wastewater arsenic removal(Ba