Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 66

• 13’Nanobubble: continued 6 • —>>continue WM Disputed: • Unlisted effect: ■ Significant advantage in food processing(Idec Izumi+), ■ Acidity control by CO 2 nanobubble injection(TechCorporation jp+), ■ Large sized microbubble reduces residential water use by 20-30% (TanakaKinzoku+), ■ Medical absorption tracing, ■ Omission of expensive high pressure & high temperature reactor possible in some cases: bubble cavitation effect combined with something else causes same chemical alteration effect usually requires expensive set up & high energy: eg room temp/pressure generation of super low cost artificial hydrocarbon creation from H 2 O & CO 2 (see section 63' "Anomalous processes & effects" iv- "Fossil Fuel") • B(anticorrosion)but effect seems weaker.(Greensuwon+) • Generally WM Rejected effect, Z(plant/animal grow larger-faster, and increased nutrition value as irrigation water, less smell of cattle residence, promotes bioenhancing type fermentation, Catalyst to ferment or decompose food, drink, manure)(, +), Fertilizer effect by nitrogen nanobubble?(Ok Engineering finebubble+), Ozone finebubble(Blue Planet Environmental+), Significant chicken egg production & quality increase(HUCK UFB jp+), fish enhancement, reviving dying fish(Nikuni jp, REO 研究所+), - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 66