Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 344
64’Plant Polymer applied to water: continued 2
• WM Rejected effect claim: Q2(water preservation): by stopping from
evaporation, generally reduced by 10-30%+ for lakes, swim pool is
higher, Monolayer type thin floating cover over large body of still water
to prevent water evaporation from lakes/ponds, Also keeps cooler/
hotter temperature of still water in pool/hot tub.
• Plant polymer monolayer(Made up of Calcium Hydroxide: Ca(OH 2 ),
Stearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol) floats on water and mutually repulsing by
ion charge to kept dispersed to cover entire water surface: Swim pool
focus(Doheny, Lochlor+), Larger operation with many
customers(Sunsolar, NaturalChemistry +), Mosquito stifling by
monolayer prevents its water surface contact (Aquatain+), Evaporation
prevention of lake or drinking water reservoir(WaterSavr - Heatsavr+),
• Mainstream US academic backed industrial large lake water
preservation market(Moreaqua+) with much higher saving claims - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver,