Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 341
63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of
Rejected & Fully rejected by Western Mainstream -15
• -->>cont: ▶ Beyond mainstream science law efficiency energy generators:
iv- "Fossil Fuel" generated by TiO 2 UV-PhotoCatalyzed O 2 Nanobubble oil water
emulsion infused by CO 2 in room temperature & pressure (Strict science wise
hydrocarbon has been confirmed produced by abiotic method(at many planets, comets,
moons) or bacteria in coal etc, but remains media level pseudoscience(for details see
other report [Less Known, Low Cost, Abundant Energy Tech...] & look up "Abiotic Oil")
• Unlike some other "free energy" claim mechanics done historically by 100s to 1000s of
inventors world wide, this particular range of very similar claims are known to be made
only by several groups, but inventors/scientists are mainstream corporate(Toyota etc)
and leading microbe based hydrocarbon production research scientists in Japan.
• Lowest cost invention in this category was published as: "An efficient way of producing
fuel hydrocarbon from CO 2 and activated water"(2015, Imanaka & Takemoto, Ritsumeikan
Univ). This particular paper was simply taken out of general public circulation &
mainstream media reporting, and generally debunked as "hoax made by 3rd party".
Unlike currently high production cost of science legal CO 2 & H 2 O only hydrocarbon
production(liquid fuel) method, this doesn't involve high pressure, temperature, or
reforming process: production cost is about 20-30$/bbl equiv, takes around 5mins to
produce, zero NOx/SOx, and can be instantly fed as gasoline to cars.