Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 339
• 63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix of
Rejected & Fully rejected by Western Mainstream -13
• -->>cont: ▶ Beyond mainstream science law efficiency energy generators:
ii Hydro/Tidal/Wave electrical generators. Depends on situations following
devices might at times or on continuous basis allegedly perform with
efficiency over Betz limit or even COP>1 level. But those devices actually
don't fit to Betz law definition's water flow capture form(Benkatina+), Seems to
be shelved or permanent pilot project?(Mako Turbine - SeaUrchin, Beck Mickle
Hydro, Sundermann Turbine): Tilting turbine blades allows full weight of water
power capture instead of regular premature turbine rotation, vertical
orientation, or maglev frictionless rotation types,
• Some highly scalable easily installable non turbine: Oscillation Based
generators demonstrate above type efficiency and WM accepted mechanics:
Vortex shedding oscillation (VIVACE Vortex), or ancactive Polymer Artificial
Muscle/Dielectric Elastomers electric generation on any moving
water(Kornblush+), or by Nano Fibre (Huifang Xu+), or Piezo-Triboelectricity,
also significant contribution to lightning electricity/electric field from
TriboElectric and ThermoDielectric effect: even pure water phase change, not
just aqueous solution, emits ElectroMagnetic emission: AA Shibkov+) - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver,